Well... this is my first post and I am not really sure how blogs are meant to be written so I am just going to figure it out as I go along. I have some really exciting news, after months of back and forth communication with Blue Ginger a restaurant located in London Ontario as well as plenty of money spent on framing and printing my work is finally on display! Blue Ginger is fantastic restaurant it has amazing food that is accompanied by a fantastic atmosphere. They chose six photos which I took while traveling through Thailand. These pictures from Thailand went really well with their decor and look great in the restaurant. I am very excited because this is the first time my work is being displayed in a public place. I am always looking for new places to display my photography, its an ongoing search and hopefully I can get it out there for more people to enjoy. Just in case your curious I shoot with a Nikon D80 and often experiment and shoot with my fish-eye lens
RC on the Go.